9th Annual Curriculum and Research Meeting


The Wynn
Clark County, Nevada

5:30 pm                    Welcome Reception
                                   Publisher's Tabletop Presentations  
    • Provide members with updates on CGCS efforts to support implementation of the Common Core
    • Continue to develop  a shared understanding of the implementation process and resources needed for successful implementation of the Common Core
    • Strategically consider professional development efforts required to support teachers, administrators, and members of the community as they implement the Common Core
    • Discuss strategies for aligning instructional resources with the Common Core
    • Examine critical look-fors in  instructional practices
7:00-8:30 am          Registration/Breakfast
8:45-10:15 am        Welcome and Introduction of Keynote Speaker
                                   Common Core Math Standards Implementation Can Lead to Improved Student Achievement                               
                                   Dr. William Scmidt, Michigan State University, professor and co-director of Education Policy Center
11:30-12:00 pm      CGCS Common Core State Standards Parent Roadmaps -- new CGCS materials for parents   
12:00-1:00 pm        Lunch
1:00-2:15 pm          Update Basal Alignment and Common Core Project -- Implications for Instructional Sequencing for Assessing
                                  Proficiency Levels of Standards - CGCS and Student Achievement Partners Collaborative
                                  What are the implications for instructional sequencing?
Diane Reitz, K-12 Literarcy, Clark County School District
                                  Suzanne Peyton, Coordinator, Curriculum and Professional Development, Clark County School District
                                  Valerie Hogwood, Director, Fresno Unified School District
                                  Gina Picard, Supervisor, K-12 Literacy, Providence Public Schools               
                                  David Liben, Student Achievement Partners
                                  (Facilitator)- Robin Hall, Director of Language Arts and Literacy, Council of the Great City Schools
2:15-3:15pm           Update on Mathematics Learning Progression and the Common Core CGCS Initiative
                                   What are the implications for curriculum and professional development?
                                   Suzanne Mazenis-Luzzi, Professional Development Specialist, Chicago Public Schools
                                   Dennis J. McHugh, Supervisor of Mathematics K-12, Providence Public Schools
                                   Twana Young, Director of Mathematics and Science, Columbus Public Schools
                                    (Facilitator)- Denise M. Walston, Director of Mathematics, Council of the Great City Schools
3:30-4:45pm         Updates from the Assessment Consortia
                                    • Common Core Assessment Consortia: Creating Next-Generation K-12 Assessments
                           • Coming Together to Raise Achievement: New Assessments for the Common Core State Standards
                                    Pascal (Pat) D. Forgione, Distinguished Presidential Scholar and Executive Director for the K–12 Center, 
                           Educational Testing Service (ETS)
4:45-5:00 pm          Next steps/Conclusions
5:30 pm               Receptions
  • Understand cultural bias and stereotyping in schools as it relates to educating Black males, children of color, English language learners, and others
  • Update members on district research partnerships
  • Discuss issues around testing validity and security
  • Learn about districts’ anti-bullying policies and programs/initiatives
  •  Engage in dialogue on measuring teacher effectiveness

7:30 - 8:30 am        Registration/Breakfast

830- 9:45 am          Keynote Speaker:
                                  Black males, children of color, ELLS- addressing stereotypes and expectations- an interacive presentation
                                  Dr. Bob Covert, Professor, School of Education, University of Virginia
9:45 - 11:00 am      District Research Partnerships- Senior Urban Educational Research Fellows
                                   Predicting High School Outcomes in the Baltimore City Schools: Findings and Reflections on the Research
                                   Martha MacInver, Baltimore Public Schools
                                   Faith Connolly, Baltimore Research Consortium 
                                   The Research Alliance for New York City Schools at NY
                           Adriana Villavicencio, NYC Research Alliance
                                   Baltimore City Schols: District Research Partnerships
Jennifer Bell-Ellwanger, Baltimore Public Schools
                          (Facilitator)- Deb Lindsey, Director of of Research and Assessment, Milwaukee Public Schools
11:10-12:15pm    Testing Validity- What are districts doing to minimize cheating on tests?                                  
                                   The Ongoing Evaluation of Test Security in Cleveland
                          Russ Brown, Deputy Chief of Organizational Accountability, Cleveland Metropolitan School District
                           Test Security Matters
                           Carla Stevens, Assistant Superintendent, Office of Research and Accountability, Houston Independent
                           School District      
                                   Ensuring Valid Test Results               
                                   Deb Lindsey, Director of Research and Assessment, Milwaukee Public Schools
                           (Facilitator)- Ms. Linda Chen, Deputy Chief Academic Officer, Boston Public Schools

11:10-12:15pm     Lunch
                          Presentation of the 2012 Council of the Great City Schools/Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Research and
                          Assessment Award

1:15-2:30pm        Bullying- Creating common strategies for urban districts                         
                          What programs or initiatives have been put in place to minimize the incidents of bullying in our urban
                          schools? Are these programs/initiatives effective?
                          Greta Peay, Clark County Public Schools
                          Brandon Moeller, Clark County Public Schools
                          (Facilitator)- Stephanie Gatewood, Board Member, Memphis Public Schools
2:30-4:00pm        Measuring Teacher Effectiveness- An Update on a Bill & Melinda Gates Initiative                         
                          Steve Cantrell, Chief Research Officer Education and College Ready, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation

                          Empowering Effective Teachers
                          David Steele, Chief Information and Technology Officer, Hillsborough Public Schools
                          Donnie Greenberg Resnick, Supervisor, Measures of Effective Teaching Project, Hillsborough County Public
                          The Teacher Effectiveness Measure (TEM): An Overview and Update                           
                          John Barker, Chief of Staff, Memphis City Schools
                          Theress Pidick, Director of Teaching Effectiveness, Denver Public Schools
                          Danielle Ongart, Measures of Effective Teaching/Leading Effective Academic Practice Project Manager
                          Denver Public Schools
                          (Facilitator)- Alka Pateriya, Senior Research Analyst, Westat

4:00-5:15pm        Race to the Top District Grants- Legislative Update                          
                          Jeff Simmering, Council of the Great City Schools
5:30 pm              Reception
7:30-8:30am        Breakfast
8:30-9:30am        Next Generation Science Assessments- An Update
9:30-11:00am      Research Update: Presentation of Reports
                          CGCS Dashboard- Improving BTO
                          How to make benchmark/interim assessments more efficient- research update
                          District Profiles: Black Male Achievement Programs
11:00-12:00pm     Conference Evaluation and future meetings