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Back-to-School Message from the Council Chair

  • Good afternoon Great City School Superintendents/Chancellors/CEOs and School Board Members,

    On Monday, August 12th, the Cleveland Metropolitan School District resumed classes.  I have had the opportunity to visit schools across my district and to see my scholars, their families and caregivers, and our district educators as we’ve returned to classes for the 2019-20 school year and it’s been a great start!  This is also a time when I give a lot of thought about not only the priorities and goals for our district but also for my personal hopes and dreams for our district Cleveland CEO Eric Gordon as well. 

    As I’ve been visiting schools this week, I have also been thinking about my colleagues across our member Council of the Great City Schools districts.  I’m honored to serve as Chair of the Council this year and, as Chair, I’ve found myself thinking about your scholars, families and caregivers, and educators, and the hopes and dreams you each have for your districts as well.  So, as we each begin our 2019-20 school year, I just wanted to take a moment to wish each of you the year you hope for!  The year you dream of!  The year you deserve!  

    I also want to take just a moment to lift up our colleagues in El Paso and in Dayton.  Both El Paso and Dayton have been the latest to experience the unimaginable but now all too frequent tragedies that have struck communities across our nation.  The return to school and school routines will likely be especially important in both of these CGCS communities and I ask that you keep every member of their communities in your hearts. 

    El Paso Strong! Dayton Strong! Council Strong!

    Have a great start to your school year!


    Eric S. Gordon

    EDUCATOR:  Chief Executive Officer

    Cleveland Metropolitan School District