18th Annual Public Relations Executives Meeting, Garden Grove, CA


6:00 - 8:30 pm        Dinner
                                Ralph Brennan's Jazz Kitchen 

Henry Duvall, Director of Communications
Council of the Great City Schools
Kathleen Kennedy Manzo
Managing Editor,
Education Week
Sponsor: Blackboard
                 West Corporation 


7:30 - 10:00 am         Registration (Hyatt Regency)

8:00 - 9:00 am           Breakfast (Hyatt Regency)
                                  Sponsor: Finalsite

9:15 - 10:3w0 am         Crisis Management- After the Plan, Now What?
                                   Sara Brady, Crisis Communications Expert

10:45  - Noon              Frontline Crisis Communications Panel
                                    Dylan Thomas, Director of Marketing & Events Orlando Public Schools, Moderator
                                    Tracy Clark, Chief Public Information Officer
                                       Broward County Public Schools
                                     Rebecca Suarez, Chief Communications Officer
                                       Houston Independent School District
                                     Justin Grayson, Director, Public Information
                                       Riverside Unified School District (California)
12:00 pm -1:00 pm       Lunch
                                     Sponsors: K12 Insight
                                                        Peachjar, Inc.
                                     Ameerah Palacios, Manager
                                     Metropolitan Nashville Public Schools
                                      Toya Stewart Downey, Interim Director, Communications
                                       Pepe Barton, Communications Consultant, Saint Paul Public Schools

3:30 - 4:30 pm              Roundtable Discussions Between New/Junior Public Relations Executives and Veteran/Senior PREs

SUNDAY, July 14

8:00 - 9:00 am              Continental Breakfast (Hyatt Regency)                                    

9:00 - 10:00 am             What's Working in Internal Communications and Why
                                       Nora Carr, Chief of Staff
                                       Guilford County Schools (Greensboro, NC)

10:00 - 11:00 am            Preparing for a Labor Strike
                                       Amy Idsvoog, Communications Analyst
                                       Fresno Unified School District

11:00 - 11:45 am             Round Robin Discussion on What's Working in Your Urban School District

11:45 am - Noon             Wrap-Up

Noon                                Meeting Adjourn

12:30 – 1:30 p.m.            Post-Meeting Lunch 
                                        Catal Restaurant in Downtown Disney
                                        Sponsor: K12 Insight
                                                         Peachjar, Inc.