• Overview

    For the College and Career Readiness Standards and the Common Core State Standards in language arts and literacy, go to the:http://www.corestandards.org/ 

    A set of indicators districts might use to track their progress on implementation of college- and career-readiness standards.  The tool is known as Indicators of Success:  A Guide for Assessing District Level Implementation of College and Career-Readiness Standards.

    A set of grade-level rubrics and a companion document that define the key features for reviewers to consider in examining the quality of instructional materials in English Language Arts K-12.  This tool is known as the Grade-Level Instructional Materials Evaluation Tool-Quality Review (GIMET-QR).

    A series of questions about on-going Common Core implementation called a “Calendar of Questions” arranged by month, focusing on particular aspects of implementation for staff roles at various levels of the district, as well as for parents and students.

    A resource guide “Communicating the Common Core State Standards:  A Resource for Superintendents, School Board Members, and Public Relations Executives”, that helps district leaders devise and execute comprehensive communication plans to strengthen public awareness about and support for college and career-readiness standards.

    Two 30-second Public Service Announcements (one in English and one in Spanish) that tells the public what the Common Core Standards are.

    Two three-minute videos (one in English and one in Spanish) that explains the Common Core in a slightly longer form. This is particularly good for presentations to community and parent groups.

    Two three-minute videos for 2015 (one in English and one in Spanish) to explain how the Common Core State Standards will help students achieve at high levels and help them learn what they need to know to get to graduation and beyond.

    Two 30-second Public Service Announcements (one in English and one in Spanish) to increase public awareness regarding Common Core for English Language Arts.

    A 45-minute professional development video for central office and school-based staff and teachers on the shifts in the Common Core in English language arts and literacy. The video can be stopped and restarted at various spots to allow for discussion.

    A series of parent roadmaps to the Common Core in English languages arts and literacy, grades k-12 in English and grades k-8 in Spanish.

    A white paper outlining the key components of an integrated, multi-tiered system of supports and interventions needed by districts in the implementation of the common core. “Common Core State Standards and Diverse Urban School Students: Using Multi-tiered Systems of Support”

    A 10-minute video of a New York City kindergarten ELL classroom illustrating Lily Wong Fillmore’s technique for ensuring that all students can access complex text using academic vocabulary as students study the metamorphosis of butterflies.