• Mathematics

    The Council of the Great City schools has used strategic support teams to make recommendations for enhancing central office systems to improve student achievement in mathematics. Additionally, the Council is collaborating with the writers of the Common Core State Standards and other partner organizations to build the tools and support necessary for implementation of rigorous mathematics instruction and higher student achievement.
          From the Page to the Classroom: Implementing the Common Core State Standards- Mathematics
    Mathematics Video
                                   Click here to play video
    Mathematics Publisher's Criteria, K-8:
    The Mathematics Publisher's Criteria endeavors to support faithful implementation of the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics by providing specific criteria for aligned materials. Using as an umbrella the two major evidence-based design principles of the CCSSM, focus and coherence, the document intends to guide the work of publishers and curriculum developers, as well as states and school districts, as they design, evaluate, and select materials or revise existing materials.

    Curriculum and Professional Development Resources in Mathematics
    Common Core Key Instructional Shifts in Mathematics

    Progression documents
    – Student Achievement Partners shared three draft documents that provide more detailed information about progressions of concepts across grade levels.

    ·         Place Value Progression– Grade Two

    ·         Fractions- Sample assessment items

    ·         Algebra- Sample assessment items

    Use the following links to review next generation assessments for the Common Core:

    For key points about the Common Core standards in mathematics, go to the: 

    For information about the next generation of assessments from PARCC, go to the:
    Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) 

    For information about the next generation of assessments from SBAC, go to the:

    Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium 

    Another useful link for mathematics educators is the National Council of Supervisors of Mathematics for analysis tools and illustrative classroom examples of teaching and learning mathematics