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National Urban School Coalition Supports New Math NAEP Framework

November 22, 2019

Tonya Harris at 202-393-2427

National Urban School Coalition Supports New Math NAEP Framework

WASHINGTON, Nov. 22 – The Council of the Great City Schools, the nation’s primary coalition of large urban public-school systems, announced today its support for the new National Assessment of Educational Progress (NAEP) math framework approved unanimously on Saturday by the National Assessment Governing Board.

The Council initiated the Trial Urban District Assessment of NAEP in 2000 to allow major urban school systems who volunteered to be oversampled to yield district-specific scores in reading, math, and other subjects. The organization remains a strong supporter of NAEP and an active user of NAEP data to gauge progress among urban school systems nationwide.         

The new NAEP math frameworks will guide the development, sequencing, and scoring of test items on the national assessment beginning with the 2025 testing cycle. The last time the framework was updated was 2006.        

The framework was updated this year after a thorough examination of state standards and local practices in the teaching of mathematics at the fourth, eighth, and 12th grades. Changes were approved in a variety of areas in all three grades.          

“The updates to the NAEP math framework modernize the assessment, align it better to what state standards require and what local school districts teach, and strengthen the test’s reputation as the gold standard in measurement,” said Michael Casserly, executive director of the Council of the Great City Schools.        

“The Council congratulates the members and staff of the National Assessment Governing Board, the leaders and analysts of the National Center for Educational Statistics, and the framework development committee for the diligence, expertise, and thoroughness of their work to improve, upgrade, and strengthen the Nation’s Report Card,” Casserly added.


Click here to read the release from the National Assessment Governing Board.