• Senior Urban Education Research Fellowship

    Research Fellowship logo
    In 2006, the Council received a $2.5 million dollar grant award from the Institute of Education Sciences (IES)to establish the Senior Urban Education Research Fellowship (SUERF) program. The fellowship program is designed to facilitate partnerships between large urban school districts and high quality senior researchers to produce rigorous research that is relevant to the specific challenges facing urban school districts. We believe these fellowships will help our member districts improve the extent to which they can leverage research partnerships into useful and practical guidance, and help researchers better understand the context in which they are working so that they produce work that has a maximum impact on the places where it’s needed the most.

    The nine senior researchers chosen to receive fellowship awards included:

           Round 1 
    • Dr. Robert Meyer, University of Wisconsin-Madison. Accountability and Performance in Secondary Education in the Milwaukee Public Schools.
    • Dr. Catherin Snow, Harvard University. Collaborating with the Boston Public Schools to Develop and Evaluate Word Generation.
    • Dr Kenji Hakuta, Stanford University. Technology-Supported Tools to Enhance Science Instruction and Learning for English Language Learners in Middle Schools: A Collaborative Project with the San Francisco Unified School District.
    • Round 11 
    • Dr. Becky Smerdon, Academy for Educational Development. High School Ready? A Study of Middle School Students in the District of Columbia and their Transitions to High School.
    • Dr. John Tyler, Brown University. Using Student Performance Data to Inform Instructional Practice: Lessons from Cincinnati
    • Dr James Rosenbaum, Northwestern University. Does Postsecondary Advising Improve Student Motivation and Progress in High School?

              Round III

    • Dr. Martha Abele MacIver, John Hopkins University. Identifiying the Early Warning Signals of Dropout Outcomes in the Baltimore City Public Schools.
    • Dr. Geoffrey D. Borman, University of Wisconsin. An Evaluation of Professional Learning Communities in St. Paul Public Schools, and Implementation and Evaluation of a School-Based Intervention for Addressing "Stereotype Threat."
    • Dr. Nonie Lesaux, Harvard University. Classroom Talk in Urban Middle Schools: A Study of the ALIAS Program in San Diego Unified School District. 
    The first six volumes of The Senior Urban Education Research Fellowship Series have   been released and are posted on the Council’s website. Volumes VII, VIII, and IX (Round III) are expected to be released in 2012.