• Pre Conference Institute:

    Meeting the Challenge of Making Complex Text Accessible for All Students

    Agenda: October 16, 2012

    8:30 - 8:45 am
    Welcome and Purpose of the Institute
    Overview of the Council’s work in support of member districts’ implementation of the Common Core, including our work to ensure that language minority and struggling students meet the language demands called for in the Common Core. Introduction to the work being done in several member districts to bring about the instructional shifts that provide all students access to complex text.
    • Ricki Price-Baugh & Gabriela Uro, Council of the Great City Schools

    8:45 - 9:45 am
    Why ELs, Language Minority, and other struggling students need complex texts and complex thought to be successful in school, and why nothing less will do. Introduction to how districts can approach this work.  

    10:00 - 12:00 pm
    How productive talk and instructional conversations give students access to complex texts. How teachers can make academic language, content, and modes of thinking and arguing available to all students through the strategic use of classroom talk.

    1:00 - 4:00 pm
    Changes in Thinking, Changes in Working: Building Capacity for Instructional Shifts for ELLS and All Learners
    Discussion of the protracted, extensive professional development needed to begin making the essential instructional shifts to ensure that ELLS and all learners can achieve. Districts must be clear about the priority work that must be done at the outset and how to sustain the work for full implementation of the Common Core. Key components and strategies of instructional, infrastructural and professional learning moves will be explored by this team of NYC Educators who have been involved with this work since 2007.

    Agenda: October 17, 2012
    8:30 - 10:30 am
    Efforts underway in 3 CGCS districts: Albuquerque, Boston and Sacramento
    Discussion of three distinctly differenent ways in which districts have begun to lay the foundation to successfully work with language minority and struggling students using complex text. Panelists will discuss how their work began, how it is being rolled-out, and how they are building capacity to sustain the work over a protracted period of time.

    Moderator: Gabriela Uro, Council of the Great City Schools

    10:45 - 11:45 am
          Roundtable Discussion and Report out
    • Status of own district's work supporting instructional shifts for meeting the language needs of all students. 
    • How could the Council be most helpful in supporting this work?
    11:45 - 12:00 pm
          Closing remarks: Ricki Price-Baugh and Gabriela Uro, Council of the Great City Schools