• Anthology Alignment Project



    The Council of the Great City Schools and Student Achievement Partners convened district teams to align materials to the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English Language Arts and Literacy in History/Social Studies, Science, and Technical Subjects. Participants learned how to develop quality text-dependent questions and improve the culminating activities.  These sessions were both training and work sessions that provided general education, ELL and special education leaders an opportunity to collaborate on preparing CCSS-aligned, instructional classroom materials for grades 6-10.



    Anthology Alignment Project builds district capacity to better align existing materials to the Common Core State Standards in English Language Arts and Literacy (CCSS) until new aligned materials are developed and published. School districts, publishers, education organizations and others can link to the site or download and adapt materials that can be made widely available to teachers and students.  This project will continue to refine and add materials to the site.
    We acknowledge the support of the publishers in the Anthology Alignment Project, anthologies for which Anthology Alignment Project offers free lesson revisions include:  Houghton Mifflin Harcourt’s Medallion/Reading; Holt’s Elements of Literature, Literature and Literature & LanguageArts; McGraw-Hill Glencoe’s The Reader’s Choice; HoltMcDougal (formerly McDougal Littell) Language of Literature, Literature;and Prentice Hall’s Literature and Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes.Ultimately, Anthology Alignment Project is designed to be a temporary solution for providing access to CCSS-aligned materials. However, the long-term benefit is the deep professional learning for each district team during there vision process and the opportunity for future professional development.


    A library of revised lessons for common Anthologies (6th -10th grades), each carefully aligned to the Common Core State Standards.  Each new lesson includes quality text-dependent questions, improved tasks, and a focus on academic vocabulary.

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