The Council of the Great City Schools has been actively involved in sharing information about draft assessment frameworks and sample items posted by the two consortia, PARCC and SBAC. These assessments will measure student mastery of the Common Core State Standards. The assessments that are created using these frameworks will measure student mastery of the Common Core State Standards. They will utilize computer-based and performance assessment items. The Council will continue to keep members informed about progress with next-generation assessments.
PARCC Model Content FrameworksBased on the Common Core State Standards, the Model Content Frameworks provide guidance to teachers and administrators about the range of item types for the PARCC assessment. PARCC is designing computerized-assessments with a range of item types to model the kinds of activities and assignment students should be doing in classroom instruction throughout the year. Click on this link to access sample assessment items from the SBAC Consortia.The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC)
The Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC) content specifications are designed to assess the full range of the Common Core standards along a learning continuum, from which test blueprints and item/task specifications are established. This learning continuum will reflect an anticipated path, of how student learning will typically move toward increased understanding over time with good classroom instruction. SBAC is designing computerized-assessments including performance tasks to measure the depth of understanding reflected in the standards. Click on this link to access sample assessment items from the SBAC Consortia.