English Language Arts and Literacy Videos
From the Page to the Classroom: Implementing the Common Core State Standards-
English Language Arts and Literacy
The CGCS-developed video “From the Page to the Classroom: Implementing the Common Core State Standards (CCSS) in English Language Arts and Literacy” provides the background of the CCSS and the three shifts that are inherent in these standards. David Coleman and others who helped develop the standards. The video includes New York City classroom footage taped by Lily Wong-Fillmore showing how ELL kindergarten students are engaged in reading and discussing ideas from complex text in English. The video has start and stop points to allow for discussion to build a shared understanding of the shifts.
Classroom Example of Teaching Complex Text: Butterfly
This video features a New York City kindergarten class of English language learners demonstrating Lily Wong-Fillmore's guidance in how teachers can support students in acquiring and using academic language and working successfully with complex text.
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