• Math Progressions

    Prior to the development of the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics, a series of documents were produced by writers of the Common Core that described a specific topic or concept across a number of grade bands. These draft learning progression documents
    were informed by research on children’s cognitive development and by the logical structure of mathematics. They formed the foundation for the Common Core State Standards in Mathematics.
    The Council of the Great City Schools is partnering with the Institute for Mathematics and Education (IM&E) and Achieve to create online professional development modules based on these learning progressions.
    Some of the progression documents may be accessed below.  You can use the following link to access the full range of progression documents:  http://commoncoretools.me/category/progressions/

    K-5 Elaborations of the Practice Standards - Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice in kindergarten through grade five (annotated).

    6-8 Elaborations of the Practice Standards - Common Core State Standards for Mathematical Practice in grades six through eight (annotated).

    K-5, Number and Operations in Base Ten– This progression focuses on the development of number and the base ten number system.


    Kindergarten, Counting and Cardinality; K-5, Operations and Algebraic Thinking– This progression deals with early counting and how “much is in a group (cardinality).” The progression illustrates the basic operations including the kinds of quantitative relationships they model, and the type of problems that can be solved. 

    3-5 Number and Operations – Fractions– This progression illustrates the concept of fractions from grade three to five. This progression explores the concept of fraction as number beginning with fractions on a number-line. The Fraction Progression online professional development module is based upon this progression.

    K-5 Progression on Geometric Measurement- This progression focuses on measurement in developing a conceptual framework for connecting number and geometry.

    K-6 Progression on Geometry– This progression focuses on the development of geometry from kindergarten through grade six. The overview of the document indicates that the progression will address three categories essential to elementary geometry: geometric shapes and their attributes; decomposing and composing shapes; and spatial relations and spatial restructuring.

    Grades 6-8 Progression on Statistics and Probability– This progression builds on students’ knowledge of data analysis to include an emphasis on variability; students developing more precise descriptions of data distributions; students transitioning from analyzing data to production of data; students moving from working with univariate to bivariate data. 

    High School Statistics and Probability and Statistics – This progression illustrates how students build upon their knowledge of probability and statistics from grades 6-8. Modeling is emphasized in this progression.