English Language Learners
The Council of the Great City Schools has long advocated for English language learners, conducting strategic support teams and research to advise our members on leveraging resources to improve their academic achievement. Moreover, the Council has been at the forefront of policy and legislation affecting federal support and programs for English language learners.
Gabriela Uro
Webinar: Using the ELD 2.0 Framework to Improve Instructional Programs for ELLs
In this webinar you will learn about the Framework for Raising Expectations and Instructional Rigor for English Language Learners and how the School District of Philadelphia has used this framework, dubbed ELD 2.0, to clarify the goals and re-design their instructional program for ELLs.
English Language Learners & the Right to Rigor | College Board Forum 2012College Board President David Coleman moderates a discussion with national English Language Learner experts, including Lily Wong-Fillmore, on how to ensure that all students are challenged and given an opportunity to succeed.
Classroom Example of Teaching Complex Text: ButterflyThis video features a New York City kindergarten class of English language learners demonstrating Lily Wong-Fillmore's guidance in how teachers can support students in acquiring and using academic language and working successfully with complex text.Click here to play video