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Wichita Public Schools Rolls Out Program for High-Achieving Males

Males of Color


Wichita Public Schools has launched the Better Academics and Social Excellence (BAASE) College and Career Readiness Club at middle schools throughout the district. BAASE aims to identify males of color who have demonstrated positive academic identities and engage them in meaningful/culturally relevant activities that will lead to further academic and social success. The program uses mentoring, guidance, and support to encourage members to continue their positive academic and social habits and continue to close the achievement gaps for young men of color. Measurable goals for BAASE members include increased participation in AP, Honors, and IB programming, 95% attendance rate, zero out of school suspensions, and 3.2 or higher GPA. 

For more information on the BAASE Program, check out this press release from the Community Voice in Wichita.